apostolic prefecture of yixian artinya
- apostolic: apostolik; paus
- apostolic prefecture: prefektur apostolik
- prefecture: daerah administrasi; kedudukan seorang gabenor;
- apostolic prefecture of azerbaijan: prefektur apostolik azerbaijan
- apostolic prefecture of battambang: wilayah kerasulan battambang; prefektur apostolik battambang
- apostolic prefecture of guilin: prefektur apostolik guilin
- apostolic prefecture of hainan: prefektur apostolik hainan
- apostolic prefecture of jian'ou: prefektur apostolik jian'ou
- apostolic prefecture of kompong cham: wilayah kerasulan kompong cham; prefektur apostolik kompong cham
- apostolic prefecture of misurata: prefektur apostolik misurata
- apostolic prefecture of robe: prefektur apostolik robe
- apostolic prefecture of shaowu: prefektur apostolik shaowu
- apostolic prefecture of the falkland islands: prefektur apostolik kepulauan falkland
- apostolic prefecture of the marshall islands: prefektur apostolik kepulauan marshall
- apostolic prefecture of the sandwich islands: prefektur apostolik kepulauan sandwich
- The Apostolic Prefecture of Yixian is a Latin Catholic missionary pre-diocesan jurisdiction in the PR China, near Beijing and Baoding.
Prefektur Apostolik Yixian adalah sebuah yurisdiksi pra-diokesan misionaris Katolik Latin di Tiongkok, dekat Beijing dan Baoding.
Kata lain
- "apostolic prefecture of shaowu" terjemahan Indonesia
- "apostolic prefecture of the falkland islands" terjemahan Indonesia
- "apostolic prefecture of the marshall islands" terjemahan Indonesia